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How do I reset my KCTCS password?

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, click “Quick Links” and then "Current Students".
  3. Scroll down and click “User Account Center”.
  4. Click “Reset Password”.
  5. Type in your KCTCS Email or Username.
  6. Click “Next >”.
  7. To verify your identity:
    1. To have the Security Code sent to your email, make sure your email address matches the one listed on the screen.
      • If it does, make sure the radio button is selected for “Send my Security Code by Email”.
    2. To have the Security Code sent by text message, make sure the last four (4) digits of your phone number match the number listed on the screen.
      • If it does, select your cell phone provider from the “My phone service is” drop-down menu, and make sure the radio button is selected for “Send my Security Code by Text Message”.

*Note: Phones with a plan through T-Mobile will NOT be able to receive their security codes through text messages.

  1. Click “Next >”.
  2. Enter the Security Code provided either by email or text message in the “Security Code” field and Click “Next >”.
  3. You’ll be prompted to change your password. Make sure the password you set follows these guidelines:
    1. Must be at least 8 characters long.
    2. Must contain at least 1 capital letter.
    3. Must contain at least 1 lowercase letter.
    4. Must contain at least 1 number and/or 1 symbol.
    5. You CANNOT use your name as your password.
  4. Click “Save Password”.

Make sure the blue box at the bottom of the page below the “Enter Password” and “Confirm Password” boxes says “Your password was changed successfully.”

Last Updated: Nov 04, 2021    
Views: 904 FAQ Views